Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:




2012 Ship Movement Lists

2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012

January Movements


Monday 2nd

Oil Tanker Speciality


Thursday 5th

Oil Tanker Superiority


Monday 9th

Oil Tankers Forth Fisher



Saturday 14th

Bitumen Tanker Stella Orion


Tuesday 17th

Oli Tankers Forth Fisher



Monday 23rd

Oil Tanker Speciality


Tuesday 24th

Cargo Ship Perle


Sunday 29th

Cargo Ship Arlau











February Movements


Wednesday 1st

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Saturday 4th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Tuesday 7th

Oil Tankers Forth Fisher

Galway Fisher


Wednesday 8th

Cargo Ship Fri Ocean


Friday 10th

Irish Naval Vessel LE Aisling P23


Saturday 11th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Wednesday 15th

Bitumen Tanker Bitland

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Monday 20th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Friday 24th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Monday 27th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


March Movements


Thursday 1st

Oil Tanker Seniority


Friday 2nd

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Sunday 4th

Cargo Ship Fokko Ukena


Monday 5th

Oil Tanker Seniority

Bitumen Tanker Bitland


Wednesday 7th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Saturday 10th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Monday 12th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Thursday 15th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Sunday 18th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Tuesday 20th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Saturday 24th

Research Vessel Tridens


Monday 26th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher

Cargo Ship Steinau


Friday 30th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher





April Movements


Monday 2nd

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Wednesday 4th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Tuesday 10th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher

Research Vessel Celtic Explorer


Wednesday 11th

Cargo Ship Ayr


Friday 13th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Thursday 19th

Oil Tanker Sarnia Cherie


Friday 20th

Irish Naval Vessel LE Eithne P31


Sunday 22nd

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Wednesday 25th

Cargo Ship Whittenbergen


Thursday 26th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Monday 30th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher





May Movements


Tuesday 1st

Cargo Ship Kento


Wednesday 2nd

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Saturday 5th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Wednesday 9th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Wednesday 15th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Friday 18th

Cargo Ship Kento


Sunday 20th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Monday 21st

Cruise Liner Arion


Thursday 24th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Friday 25th May

Cruise Liner Silver Explorer


Sunday 27th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Monday 28th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher










June Movements


Friday 1st

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Saturday 2nd

Bitumen Tanker Bitflower


Monday 4th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher

Bitumen Tanker Bitland


Tuesday 5th

Cargo Ship Kliftrans


?????????????????????????? Thursday 7th

Cruise Liner Bremen

?Belgian Navy Tug Belgic


Monday 11th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher

French Navy Tug Malabar


Thursday 14th

Irish Lights Vessel Granuaile


Friday 15th

Cargo Ship Jerome H

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Tuesday 19th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher

Irish Lights Vessel Granuaile

Cargo Ship Deo Volente

From Lisbon with the

Volvo Race Village


Friday 22nd

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Saturday 23rd

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Sunday 24th

Oil Tanker Sarnia Cherie







July Movements


Thursday 12th

Cruise Liner Marco Polo

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Friday 13th

Oil Tanker Steersman


Sunday 15th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Monday 16th

Cargo Ship Gem


Wednesday 18th

Cargo Ship EvertPrahm


Friday 19th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Sunday 22nd

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Wednesday 25th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Thursday 26th

Irish Naval Vessel LE Aisling P23


Saturday 28th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


















August Movements


Thursday 2nd

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Sunday 5th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Wednesday 8th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Thursday 9th

Cargo Ship Kento


Friday 10th

Bitumren Tanker Bitland


Saturday 11th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Thursday 16th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Friday 17th

Cruise Liner Le Diamant

Cruise Liner Discovery

Cargo Ship BBS Spirit


Sunday 19th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Wednesday 21st

French Sail Vessel Belem


Thursday 22nd

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Saturday 25th

Cruise Liner Silver Explorer


Monday 26th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Friday 31st

Cruise Liner Explorer












September Movements


Saturday 1st

Cargo Ship Mai Lehmann


Tuesday 3rd

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Wednesday 5th

Cruise Liner Le Diamant

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Friday 7th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Monday 10th

Cargo Ship Beaumonde


Wednesday 12th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Saturday 15th

Spanish Research Vessel Vizconde De Eza


Tuesday 18th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Wednesday 19th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Firday 21st

Cargo Ship Olza

Research Vessel Celtic Explorer


Saturday 22nd

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Sunday 23rd

Bitumen Tanker Stella Virgo


Saturday 29th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher







October Movements


Wednesday 3rd

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


?Friday 5th

Cargo Ship Pex

Research Vessel Celtic Explorer


Saturday 6th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Monday 7th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Thursday 11th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Monday 15th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Friday 19th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Saturday 20th

Oil Tanker GalwayFisher

Cargo Ship Melas

Cargo Ship Berthold K


Sunday 21st

Cargo Ship Melas


Thursday 25th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Sunday 28th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Wednesday 31st

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher



November Movements


Friday 2nd

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Saturday 3rd

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Tuesday 6th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Thursday 8th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Sunday 11th

Cargo Ship Marten


Monday 12th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Wednesday 14th

Cargo Ship Rene A

Research Vessel Celtic Explorer


Thursday 15th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Monday 19th

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher


Wednesday 21st

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Sunday 25th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Tuesday 27th

Cargo Ship Lady Menna


Thursday 29th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher







I wont be posting movements for 2013 however I will post the dates for cruise liner calls when I know them


December Movements


Monday 3rd

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Friday 7th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Tuesday 11th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher

Cargo Ship BBS Spray


Saturday 15th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Tuesday 18th

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Wednesday 19th

Oil Tanker Speciality


Thursday 20th

Bitumen Tanker Bitland


Friday 21st

Oil Tanker Galway Fisher


Sundayy 23rd

Oil Tanker Speciality

Oil Tanker Forth Fisher






?????????????????????????? ????




